To automate routine tasks to help firms search for and filter information for use in electronic commerce and supply chain management a firm would most...
What type of intelligent technique helped Procter & Gamble determine the most efficient methods for their trucks to deliver goods?
What type of intelligent technique helped Procter & Gamble determine the most efficient methods for their trucks to deliver goods?
a) fuzzy logic
Software programs that work in the background without direct human intervention to carry out specific, repetitive, and predictable tasks for individual users, business processes, or software applications are called __________
Software programs that work in the background without direct human intervention to carry out specific, repetitive, and predictable tasks for individual...
Which of the following describes a difference between neural networks and genetic algorithms?
Which of the following describes a difference between neural networks and genetic algorithms?
a) genetic algorithms are designed to process large...
Genetic algorithms
Genetic algorithms
a) develop solutions to particular problems using fitness, crossover, and mutation
b) represent knowledge as groups of characteristics
Hardware and software that attempts to emulate the processing patterns of the biological brain best describes ____
Hardware and software that attempts to emulate the processing patterns of the biological brain best describes ____
a) a neural network
b) an expert...
You are an automotive engineer working on an application that will automatically parallel park a car. The intelligent technique you may find most useful is
You are an automotive engineer working on an application that will automatically parallel park a car. The intelligent technique you may find most useful...
In this technique, descriptions of past experiences of human specialists are stored in a database for later retrieval when the user encounters a situation with similar characteristics
In this technique, descriptions of past experiences of human specialists are stored in a database for later retrieval when the user encounters a situation...
Expert systems are expensive and time-consuming to maintain because
Expert systems are expensive and time-consuming to maintain because
a) their rule base is so complex
b) they rely on equipment that becomes...
Virtually all expert systems deal with problems of
Virtually all expert systems deal with problems of
a) policy development
b) classification
c) logic and control
d) high complexity
It is unlikely you could represent the knowledge in the Encyclopedia Britannica with an expert system because
It is unlikely you could represent the knowledge in the Encyclopedia Britannica with an expert system because
a) there is no one expert who understands...
Expert systems
Expert systems
a) solve problems too difficult for human experts
b) are based on DO WHILE rules
c) work in very limited domains
d) share characteristics...
Backward chaining is
Backward chaining is
a) a strategy for searching the rule base in an expert system that begins with information entered by the user
b) the...
Forward chaining is
Forward chaining is
a) a strategy for searching the rule base in an expert system that begins with information entered by the user
b) the programming...
An interface engine is
An interface engine is
a) a strategy for searching the rule base in case-based reasoning
b) the programming environment of an expert system
c) a...
Technology that consists of computer-based systems that attempt to emulate human behavior is called ______.
Technology that consists of computer-based systems that attempt to emulate human behavior is called ______.
a) fuzzy logic
b) neural networks
c) AI...
Which of the following techniques is used for knowledge discovery?
Which of the following techniques is used for knowledge discovery?
a) expert system
b) transaction processing systems
c) case-based reasoning
d) data...
Which of the following is a type of intelligent technique?
Which of the following is a type of intelligent technique?
a) knowledge networks
b) case based reasoning
c) computer-aided design
Which of the following systems is NOT used to capture tacit knowledge?
Which of the following systems is NOT used to capture tacit knowledge?
a) expert system
b) case-based reasoning
c) fuzzy logic
d) neural network
Investment workstations
Investment workstations
a) provide engineers, designers, and factory managers with precise control over industrial design and manufacturing
b) provide...
Virtual reality systems
Virtual reality systems
a) provide engineers, designers, and factory managers with precise control over industrial design and manufacturing
b) provide...
Which of the following would NOT be classified as a knowledge work system?
Which of the following would NOT be classified as a knowledge work system?
a) computer-aided design system
b) 3D visualization system
c) investment...
CAD workstations
CAD workstations
a) provide engineers, designers, and factory managers with precise control over industrial design and manufacturing
b) provide an...
_____ often are designed and optimized for the specific tasks to be performed.
_____ often are designed and optimized for the specific tasks to be performed.
a) graphics programs
b) knowledge workstations
c) virtual simulators
A _____ is very important to a knowledge worker's system.
A _____ is very important to a knowledge worker's system.
a) careful filing system
b) financial analysis system
c) CAD capability
d) user-friendly...
Most knowledge workers require specialized knowledge work systems, but they also rely on ____
Most knowledge workers require specialized knowledge work systems, but they also rely on ____
a) office systems
b) schools and universities
c) imaging...
Tools for the management, delivery, tracking, and assessment of various types of employee learning best describes a ______
Tools for the management, delivery, tracking, and assessment of various types of employee learning best describes a ______
a) investment workstation
Which of the following statements about the use of wikis by firms is NOT true?
Which of the following statements about the use of wikis by firms is NOT true?
a) they are inexpensive and easy to implement
b) users are able to...
Your company wants to develop intelligent techniques to create a "smart" oven that can perfectly cook basic foodstuffs, such as roasts and bread, using sensors and minimal input from the user. The system would know the difference between rare, medium rare, medium, and well done roasts. The category of intelligent technique that would describe this system is _______
Your company wants to develop intelligent techniques to create a "smart" oven that can perfectly cook basic foodstuffs, such as roasts and bread, using...
Which of the following is NOT a Web 2.0 tool firms are using to foster collaboration?
Which of the following is NOT a Web 2.0 tool firms are using to foster collaboration?
a) blogs
b) intranets
c) wikis
d) social bookmarking
Once a knowledge taxonomy is developed, documents are all _____ with the proper classification.
Once a knowledge taxonomy is developed, documents are all _____ with the proper classification.
a) tagged
b) linked
c) tupled
d) referenced
You are advising a multimedia company on the best type of knowledge management system to help them archive digital video and sound clips. Which of the following will suit their needs?
You are advising a multimedia company on the best type of knowledge management system to help them archive digital video and sound clips. Which of the...
Which of the following would NOT be considered semi-structured knowledge?
Which of the following would NOT be considered semi-structured knowledge?
a) request for proposals
b) voice-mail
c) videos
d) e-mail
Which of the following is NOT a typical component or capability of an enterprise-wide knowledge management system ?
Which of the following is NOT a typical component or capability of an enterprise-wide knowledge management system ?
a) collaboration tools
b) KWS
Fuzzy logic is a type of _____
Fuzzy logic is a type of _____
a) data mining
b) neural network
c) intelligent technique
d) business intelligence
Answer: ...
Specialized systems built for engineers, scientists, and other knowledge workers charged with discovering and creating new knowledge for a company are called ______
Specialized systems built for engineers, scientists, and other knowledge workers charged with discovering and creating new knowledge for a company are...
Which of the following are the three major types of knowledge management systems?
Which of the following are the three major types of knowledge management systems?
a) management information systems, decision support systems, and...
Informal social networks of professionals and employees within and outside the firm who have similar work-related activities and interests are called communities of ______
Informal social networks of professionals and employees within and outside the firm who have similar work-related activities and interests are called...
In order, which are the value-adding steps in the knowledge business value chain?
In order, which are the value-adding steps in the knowledge business value chain?
a) acquire, store, disseminate, apply, feedback
b) data and information...
Which of the following is NOT one of the main four dimensions of knowledge described in the chapter?
Which of the following is NOT one of the main four dimensions of knowledge described in the chapter?
a) knowledge is a firm asset
b) knowledge has...
Which is meant by the statement "knowledge is sticky"?
Which is meant by the statement "knowledge is sticky"?
a) knowledge is hard to move
b) knowledge is universally applicable
c) knowledge works only...
Which of the following statements is NOT an accurate description of the importance of knowledge to a firm?
Which of the following statements is NOT an accurate description of the importance of knowledge to a firm?
a) knowledge experiences network effects...
Which of the following systems digitizes, indexes, and tags documents according to a coherent framework?
Which of the following systems digitizes, indexes, and tags documents according to a coherent framework?
a) wikis
b) CAD
c) document management
The set of business processes, culture, and behavior required to obtain value from investments in information systems is one type of _______
The set of business processes, culture, and behavior required to obtain value from investments in information systems is one type of _______
a) knowledge...
Changing organizational behavior by sensing and responding to new experience and knowledge is called ______
Changing organizational behavior by sensing and responding to new experience and knowledge is called ______
a) change management
b) knowledge networking
Expertise and experience of organizational members that has not been formally documented best describes ______.
Expertise and experience of organizational members that has not been formally documented best describes ______.
a) wisdom
b) information
c) data
The flow of events or transactions captured by an organization's system describes _______.
The flow of events or transactions captured by an organization's system describes _______.
a) information
b) data
c) wisdom
d) knowledge
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between collaboration and knowledge management?
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between collaboration and knowledge management?
a) without knowledge, collaboration...
The percentage of gross domestic product of the United States that is produced by the knowledge and information sectors is estimated to be about ________ percent.
The percentage of gross domestic product of the United States that is produced by the knowledge and information sectors is estimated to be about ________...
What type of knowledge management system did Canadian Tire implement in order to improve the communication with dealers?
What type of knowledge management system did Canadian Tire implement in order to improve the communication with dealers?
a) digital asset management...
A well-designed ESS will allow management to
A well-designed ESS will allow management to
A) have greater span of control.
B) assign lower levels of management greater control.
C) reduce their...
______ are visual tools for presenting performance data in a BI system.
______ are visual tools for presenting performance data in a BI system.
A) Dashboards and scorecards
B) Paramaterized reports
C) Reports and the...
Which of the following are most likely to rely primarily on the drill-down functionality of BI for their decision-making needs?
Which of the following are most likely to rely primarily on the drill-down functionality of BI for their decision-making needs?
A) IT developers
Which of the following are most likely to rely primarily on production reports for their decision-making needs?
Which of the following are most likely to rely primarily on production reports for their decision-making needs?
A) operational employees and supervisors
Which of the following is notone of the five main analytic functionalities of BI systems for helping decision makers understand information and take action?
Which of the following is notone of the five main analytic functionalities of BI systems for helping decision makers understand information and take...
A) support the structured decision making of senior executives.
B) have the ability to drill down into lower levels of detail.
C) easily integrate...
The leading methodology for understanding the really important information needed by a firm's executives is called the ________ method.
The leading methodology for understanding the really important information needed by a firm's executives is called the ________ method.
A) digital...
The information system used by Caesar's Entertainment, which combines data from internal TPS with information from financial systems and external sources to deliver reports such as profit-loss statements, impact analyses, is an example of
The information system used by Caesar's Entertainment, which combines data from internal TPS with information from financial systems and external sources...
A) require a small number of attendees in order to maintain high levels of productivity.
B) enable increasing a meeting size without reducing...
An essential component in the ability of GDSS to contribute to a collaborative environment is
An essential component in the ability of GDSS to contribute to a collaborative environment is
A) allowing users to contribute simultaneously.
A) are designed to allow meeting attendees to share their thoughts in real-time with their peers.
B) support decisions that require knowledge...
As discussed in the chapter case, the system used in South Carolina to estimate and map the regional damage and losses resulting from an earthquake was a type of
As discussed in the chapter case, the system used in South Carolina to estimate and map the regional damage and losses resulting from an earthquake...
Which type of information system uses data visualization technology to analyze and display data for planning and decision making in the form of digitized maps?
Which type of information system uses data visualization technology to analyze and display data for planning and decision making in the form of digitized...
A pivot table is a
A pivot table is a
A) spreadsheet tool that displays two or more dimensions of data in a convenient format.
B) type of relational database.
Backward sensitivity analysis software is used for
Backward sensitivity analysis software is used for
A) supply chain optimization.
B) historical what-if analysis.
C) goal seeking.
D) reverse forecasting.
Which of the following is notone of the six main elements in the business intelligence environment discussed in this chapter?
Which of the following is notone of the six main elements in the business intelligence environment discussed in this chapter?
A) managerial users...
Which of the following companies is not one of the top five producers of business intelligence and analytics products?
Which of the following companies is not one of the top five producers of business intelligence and analytics products?
A) Sun
B) Microsoft
Business intelligence would be useful for analyzing and decision-making in which of the following situations?
Business intelligence would be useful for analyzing and decision-making in which of the following situations?
A) deciding what marketing techniques...
Which of the following statements best describes the term business intelligence?
Which of the following statements best describes the term business intelligence?
A) the infrastructure for collecting and managing business data
Which of the following best describes the term business analytics?
Which of the following best describes the term business analytics?
A) the infrastructure for collecting and managing business data
B) the tools...
The chapter case discussing the Montgomery County public school system illustrates the use of
The chapter case discussing the Montgomery County public school system illustrates the use of
A) MIS to achieve greater operational excellence.
The management methodology of using a firm's strategy to generate operational targets for the business and measuring progress towards them using the firm's enterprise systems is called
The management methodology of using a firm's strategy to generate operational targets for the business and measuring progress towards them using the...
Measures defined by management and used to internally evaluate the success of a firm's financial, business process, customer, and learning and growth are called
Measures defined by management and used to internally evaluate the success of a firm's financial, business process, customer, and learning and growth...
Which of the following types of systems would be used to present senior marketing executives with in-depth information about customer retention, satisfaction, and quality performance.
Which of the following types of systems would be used to present senior marketing executives with in-depth information about customer retention, satisfaction,...
Which of the following is a disadvantage of high-velocity, automated decision-making systems?
Which of the following is a disadvantage of high-velocity, automated decision-making systems?
A) inability to handle high volumes of decisions
Which types of decisions are automated for high-velocity decision-making?
Which types of decisions are automated for high-velocity decision-making?
A) highly-structured decisions
B) semi-structured financial decisions
Which of the following describes how the Simon framework of decision-making works in high-velocity decision environments?
Which of the following describes how the Simon framework of decision-making works in high-velocity decision environments?
A) All four steps of the...
An information system for a building company that tracks construction costs for various projects across the United States would be categorized as a type of
An information system for a building company that tracks construction costs for various projects across the United States would be categorized as a...
MIS typically produce
MIS typically produce
A) new ways of looking at data that emphasize change, flexibility, and rapid response.
B) fixed, regularly scheduled reports...
The concern that the structure of data is consistent within an information source reflects which quality dimension of information?
The concern that the structure of data is consistent within an information source reflects which quality dimension of information?
A) accuracy
The concern that data values of an information source fall within a defined range reflects which quality dimension of information?
The concern that data values of an information source fall within a defined range reflects which quality dimension of information?
A) accuracy
As discussed in the chapter text, the three main reasons that investments in information technology do not always produce positive results are
As discussed in the chapter text, the three main reasons that investments in information technology do not always produce positive results are
Which of the following managerial roles is not supported by information systems?
Which of the following managerial roles is not supported by information systems?
A) liaison
B) nerve center
C) leader
D) negotiator
According to Mintzberg, managers in their informational role act as
According to Mintzberg, managers in their informational role act as
A) figureheads for the organization.
B) leaders.
C) nerve centers of the organization.
The role of entrepreneur falls into which of Mintzberg's managerial classifications?
The role of entrepreneur falls into which of Mintzberg's managerial classifications?
A) decisional
B) informational
C) interpersonal
D) symbolic
The role of liaison falls into which of Mintzberg's managerial classifications?
The role of liaison falls into which of Mintzberg's managerial classifications?
A) decisional
B) informational
C) interpersonal
D) symbolic
Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles outlines which three main categories?
Mintzberg's classification of managerial roles outlines which three main categories?
A) interpersonal, informational, and decisional
B) symbolic,...
Behavioral models of managers find that, from observation, managers
Behavioral models of managers find that, from observation, managers
A) perform often fewer than 100 activities a day.
B) operate best with standardized,...
In contrast to the classical model of management, behavioral models see the actual behavior of managers as being more
In contrast to the classical model of management, behavioral models see the actual behavior of managers as being more
A) systematic.
B) informal.
The five classical functions of managers are planning, organizing, deciding, controlling, and
The five classical functions of managers are planning, organizing, deciding, controlling, and
A) coordinating.
B) leading.
C) managing.
D) negotiating.
Which phase of decision making finds or recognizes a problem, need, or opportunity?
Which phase of decision making finds or recognizes a problem, need, or opportunity?
A) design
B) intelligence
C) choice
D) implementation
Simon's description of decision making consists of which four stages?
Simon's description of decision making consists of which four stages?
A) planning, financing, implementation, and maintenance
B) planning, design,...
Checking store inventory is an example of a(n) ________ decision.
Checking store inventory is an example of a(n) ________ decision.
A) semistructured
B) unstructured
C) structured
D) none of the above
The decisions involved in creating and producing a corporate intranet can be classified as ________ decisions.
The decisions involved in creating and producing a corporate intranet can be classified as ________ decisions.
A) procedural
B) unstructured
The decision to approve a capital budget is an example of a(n) ________ decision.
The decision to approve a capital budget is an example of a(n) ________ decision.
A) semistructured
B) unstructured
C) structured
D) undocumented
Which type of decision is calculating gross pay for hourly workers?
Which type of decision is calculating gross pay for hourly workers?
A) structured
B) unstructured
C) semistructured
D) none of the above
Which type of decision is deciding whether to introduce a new product line?
Which type of decision is deciding whether to introduce a new product line?
A) structured
B) unstructured
C) recurring
D) nonrecurring
The type of decision that can made by following a definite procedure is called a(n) ________ decision.
The type of decision that can made by following a definite procedure is called a(n) ________ decision.
A) structured
B) unstructured
C) semistructured
When there is no well-understood or agreed-on procedure for making a decision, it is said to be
When there is no well-understood or agreed-on procedure for making a decision, it is said to be
A) undocumented.
B) unstructured.
C) documented.
Which of the following statements best describes the business value of improved decision making?
Which of the following statements best describes the business value of improved decision making?
A) Improved decision making creates better products.
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